Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Google Chrome OS Free Hand Notebook

Web based operating system and Chrome cloud computing OS that was developed from the same project with Chrome browser Google finally officially launched on Tuesday (07/12/2010). In fact, the Internet giant is offering notebooks that use the Chrome OS free of charge to anyone who would menjajalnya.

His name is Cr-48. The color is jet black with no logo, no brand, and without any stickers. The screen is 12 inches, using a full keyboard chiclet model, equipped with touch pad like the notebook in general, and equipped with WiFi or 3G connection to access the internet. Batteries last up to 8 hours of active use and 8 days if left in standby.

Notebook Chrome is designed to access the web as quickly as possible and used the user to establish communication with peers and colleagues via the web. To perform the initial installation only takes less than a minute. Boatingnya time was only 10 seconds. Google also claims is the most secure operating system compared to other operating systems on the market.

Eits, but whoa. Free does not mean all miss out because Google will only give the notebook to the people who elected. Notebook test is aimed at developers, school children, and businesses. "We started with the U.S. and will expand to other countries so we got permission. To participate in this pilot program, visit the website of the notebook Chrome," wrote Google's statement in his official blog.

This is part of a pilot project testing the use of Chrome the OS as a new style of notebook models in the community. In addition, this program only applies in the U.S. alone. Chrome the OS is still the early development stage and not yet commercialized.

Google said, a pilot project conducted to mendaptakan direct user feedback. In addition, some features in Chrome the OS requires a new output hardware that Google is not to rush release a pre-beta version on a new computer on the market today. Chrome notebooks with the new OS will be out mid next year.

"In the first half of next year, the notebook with the new Chrome will be available for sale from Acer and Samsung. Other manufacturers will follow," Google said in a statement on its official blog on Tuesday (07/12/2010). Although currently only exemplified for notebooks, Chrome OS designed to support devices with different screen sizes and different types of devices to allow use on other products.

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